Thursday, April 2, 2009

Talking Point #3

Dennis Carlson "Gayness, Multicultural Education, and Community"

I think that was Carlson is trying to say is that there needs to be more diversity in the schools and not keep everything under wraps. Basically talk about our world for what it really is, a diverse and interesting one.

1.) "However, as those marginalized within this normalizing discourseon community have begun to 'speak out' and challenge their marginalization,and have also begun to develop collective movements and communities of support"

This quote is important to the text because it shows that our world today is starting to open up and become more and more accepting if things that were hated 20-30 years ago. This quote is one of the prime examples of why our country is so great to live in, because it shows that we can be accepting, forgiving and sometimes ignorant and forgetful (which in this case, is a good thing)

2.) "Before proceeding, it seems important that I say something more about myuseofthe terms 'gay' and 'gayness' in this essay."

I feel this quote is important because it shows how we have grown as a people in this world. As a kid the term "gay" was used as a derogitory term and used to make fun of someone. In this essay, the term is not used in that way at all. It is strictly ised to just describe a group of people that are diverse, many and growing.

3.) "Like communist States,they have been based on the presumption that if students in the school community can be kept shielded from 'bad influences' and provided only 'positive' representations of community life, that they can be molded into 'good,' 'well-adjusted' citizens and workers.

This quote is important because it shows what a few bad apple can do to spoil a good thing. It is people that think and act like this in the world that make this place so diverse and also so hard to live in. Since when is being gay a bad influence on someone. its not like gayness is like strep throat and can be spread through touching and other things. I feel that people that say this need to grow up in a huge way and they need to do it fast in order to see the bigger picture.

I feel that this article was actually a hard read for me, although i really do not know why. I think that the main reason was that it was, in my opinion, a little too long. i like articles that are short and to the point and not too long. Other than that i thought the article overall was pritty interesting and hit the nail on the head. i felt like the article was an exact depiction of the world that we live in that is both amazing and stubborn at the same time.

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