Monday, March 23, 2009

Talking Point #6

"One More River To Cross-" Recognozing The Real Injury In Brown: A Prerequesite To Shaping New Remedies. by Charles Lawrence

Charles lawrences main argument, I feel, is that he wants to see if you can consider the case of Brown vs. Board of Education as a success or not. he gives valid reasons for both the failure and success aspects.

  1. This intentional misunderstanding had its roots in Brown, and has judicial, political, and social attitudes which are crucial to Blacks today.

  • i feel that this quote set the mood for the rest of the article. This quote caught the most attention from me because it used the words "intentional" and "misunderstanding" in the same sentence. This quote almost seems racist to me because it seems to say that the non minorities were being ignorant.

` 2. Segregation violates the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment not because there is no rational relationship between the classification and the purpose-it is a supremely rational system-but because its purpose is illegitimate.

  • This quote is important because it basically says what alot of people that are segregated or are fighting against segregation are thinking. This quote is speaking out for all the quiete people in the world and it is shouting.

3. that it was actionable defamation in the South to call a white man a Negro, that placing of a white person in a Negro railroad car was actionable humiliation, and that a small portion of Negro blood put one in the inferior race for segregation purposes.

  • This quote was very intrigueing to me since I had previously not known about this during the times of slavery. This quote was also important in order to almost set the mood for the rest of the article about how having slavery as a reference for Mr. Lawrence in the rest of the paper

Overall i thought that this article was intersting yet hard to read at the same time. I thought that the content of the paper was interesting and that he had a very ligitament argument to make about how the Brown case was a success or a failure. I did like the way that he kept like, almost, reminding us what he was talking about through the boring parts or the article so that we could basically remind ourselves of the bigger picture instead of just focusing about how boring the text is at that moment.